Getting started


To install the SDK in your project you need to require the package via composer:

composer require hcgcloud/pterodactyl-sdk

Then use Composer's autoload unless you are using a framework that support composer autoload:

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

And finally create an instance of the SDK, the API_KEY can be Account API or Application API, you can learn the difference below:

$pterodactyl = new \HCGCloud\Pterodactyl\Pterodactyl(API_KEY_HERE, BASE_URI_HERE);

or you can also use create an instance in this style:

use HCGCloud\Pterodactyl\Pterodactyl;
$pterodactyl = new Pterodactyl(API_KEY_HERE, BASE_URI_HERE);


Type of API

Before using other apis, you should know the difference between Account API and Application API.

Account API


You can find functions available for Account API in the client tab of the navigation.

Account API is for a single user of your panel, it can perform like Send console command and Send power action while Application API can't.

You can generate a key for an administrator account, then you can have the rights to control all servers.

Can be generated from: https://yourpanel.url/account/api

Application API

Application API is for your panel itself, it can perform like Create Server and Create Node while Account API can't.

Can be generated from: https://yourpanel.url/admin/api


Using the pterodactyl instance you may perform multiple actions as well as retrieve the different resources Pterodactyl's API provides, here are some examples using Application API:

$servers = $pterodactyl->servers();

This will give you an array of servers that you have access to, each server is represented by an instance of HCGCloud\Pterodactyl\Resources\Server, this instance has multiple public properties like $name, $id, $owner, $memory, and others.

You may also retrieve a single server using:

$server = $pterodactyl->server(SERVER_ID_HERE);

For other functions, you can find them from the navigation.